The Developer, Gabrielle, is a Psychologist in Private Practice in rural Australia. She recognised that a plan was needed if she was no longer able to work within her business due to death, sudden ill health or serious accident/injury. There are many obvious duties e.g. filing, banking, accounts etc that her accountant or solicitor may be able to assist her family with in the event of her absence, but there are also many day-to-day functions that she performs which are not recorded. This app is comprehensive in its’ consideration of functions within a small business and tries to cover all aspects to be recorded. It also allows the user to customise their data to suit their own purposes.
Gabrielle has also developed another App, Contingency Plan-Personal, which is for general use to assist users with the recording and distribution of their personal information and wishes in the event that they are unable to communicate this themselves.
Know that if anything happens to you resulting in not being able to continue your business, important details are recorded and shared.
The app is easy to use, has a logical format and covers a wide range of business functions. There are “How To Use” tabs for each screen which explain the screen and its’ purpose. The user is also able to add notes for each screen and photos for some responses. One screen also provides To Do lists which can be edited and printed.
Keep all of your valuable business data in one app. The email/print functionality also means the plan can be emailed to others. The printed hard copy of the plan is presented as a professional, easy to read document.
Comes with preset fields but can be customised for your business. Also has the functionality of being able to attach notes and photos.
Record details relating to your business: Name; Australian Business Number and Tax File Number (or equivalent if outside Australia); Contact Details etc.
Advise of who has been allocated the task of executing the Plan, and what their responsibilities are. Also provide details of family/friends who also need to be advised.
Record details of your Solicitor and Accountant. Functionality is provided to add other professional contacts if needed.
This screen is for the user to enter information regarding any professional bodies they are members of in relation to their occupation.
This screen enables the user to enter relevant information regarding their referral sources/suppliers.
This screen enables the user to enter information regarding access of their office. Location of keys, security codes to the building, where spare keys are held, location of keys to filing cabinets, and voicemail access codes, are included.
This screen enables the user to explain where details of any current/upcoming appointments or works in progress can be found. There is also the ability to attach a screen shot or photo of this information.
Record your computer password and list your digital inventory e.g. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter etc. You can also list files on your computer which are important for the executor to have access to.
This screen enables the user to record information regarding their filing system. A general description can be noted – which could include notes about hard copy files and computer files. There is also the capacity to include photos or screenshots of filing cabinets or computer files.
This screen enables the user to record each type of insurance held including: Type; Policy Number; Amount; and Contact Details.
This screen enables the user to record each of the bank accounts that are used in relation to the business. There is also the capability to add details of any direct debits.
There are three options to this item. The user can add details for their Property, Vehicle or Other Business Assets e.g. tools of the trade, shares etc.
This screen is for the user to enter information regarding their Utilities e.g. electricity, gas, telephone, internet etc. Fields are provided to enter the following: Supplier/Provider; Account Number; and Notes.
This screen is for the user to enter information regarding their staff/employees. Photos can also be attached. This screen could also be used independent from the rest of the plan by completing the screen for each staff member and placed printed PDF in their staff file.
This records information relevant to monies the business owes.
This records information relevant to monies owed to the business.
There are two screens for this item: User To-Do; and Executor To-Do. These are tick-a-box type checklists with preset items provided which can be edited or deleted. Extra items can also be added.
This functionality enables you to tap on any or all of the listed items above and email them as you wish. The email is in a PDF format so is easily opened by the receiver. By emailing to yourself you can store a copy for your records but also print the Plan if you would like a hard copy. All notes and photos are printed as well.